Prince (earlier titled as Prince It’s Showtime aka Prince of Thieves ) is an upcoming thriller film, starring Vivek Oberoi (prince) and Nandana Sen, Niroo Sing, Aruna Shields (as Maya) in the lead roles. Prince is directed by Kookie V Gulati and will be released on 9 April 2010.. The music of Prince is composed by Sachin Gupta who also directed “Doorie” by Ati
Songs download list
- O Mere Khuda - Atif Aslam
- Tere Liye - Atif Aslam, Shreya Ghosal
- Aa Bhi Ja Sanam - Atif Aslam
- Kaun Hoon Main - Atif Aslam
- O Mere Khuda - Dance Mix - Atif Aslam
- Aa Bhi Ja Sanam - Dance Mix - Atif Aslam
- Kaun Hoon Main - Dance Mix - Hard Kaur, Alisha Chinnai
- Tere Liye - Dance Mix - Atif Aslam, Shreya Ghosal
- Ishq Mein - Monali
- Jiyara Jiyara - Hard Kaur, Alisha Chinnai
- Kaun Hoon Main - Lounge Mix - Hard Kaur Alisha Chinnai
- Jiyara Jiyara - Bhangra Mix - Hard Kaur, Alisha Chinnai
- Tere Liye - Hip Hop Mix - Atif Aslam, Shreya Ghosal
- Tere Liye - Unplugged - Atif Aslam, Shreya Ghosal
- Prince - Mega Mix - Atif Aslam, Shreya Ghosal, Alisha Chinoy
- Prince - Theme
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